Cancer therapy by a certified specialist for the drug Oncolytic Virotherapy

As a certified specialist, Dr. med. Dieter Hartung from Kehl/Strasbourg is authorized to use Oncolytic Virotherapy in cancer treatment.

Why is used in cancer therapy Oncolytic Virotherapy?

  1. Oncolytic Virotherapy is a strong anti-cancer medication (Echo 7 virus).
  2. Oncolytic Virotherapy is a registered drug against cancer.
  3. Oncolytic Virotherapy is very well tolerated.
  4. Oncolytic Virotherapy has immune-strengthening properties.
  5. Oncolytic Virotherapy was the first oncolytic virus medication approved for the treatment of cancer.


The cancer treatment with Oncolytic Virotherapy is an injection treatment.

After the injection, the virus ECHO 7 (Oncolytic Virotherapy) finds the cancer cells and destroys them.
Normal cells are not attacked.
The virus therapy with Oncolytic Virotherapy is a safe and mild method of treatment.
Slight fever may occur for one to three days.
The treatment is done on an outpatient basis.
An individual treatment plan will be prepared.

The following cancer types are treated with Oncolytic Virotherapy:

  • melanoma, prostate cancer,
  • colorectal cancer, bladder cancer,
  • uterine cancer, sarcoma,
  • kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, pulmonary cancer

Oncolytic Virotherapy may also be used as a treatment against other cancers. Cancer types not on the list must be evaluated by Dr. Hartung first.

Contact - call us now or email us!

Dr. med. Dieter Hartung
Hauptstr. 122, 77694 Kehl

Phone: 0049-7851-8986672

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